Friday, April 24, 2009

Finally an Update!

It has been a while since we have updated this thing! Life gets busy and there is never enough time to do everything we want to do. It is work, dealing with Aaron, Misty's pregnancy and getting ready for our new baby, and there is always something else we have to do. Aaron has cut a lot of teeth. He has been teething for quite a while now, and that makes him quite fussy. NOt to mention he is already going through his "Terrible Two's." Aaron is now 17 months old, and we love watching him learn new things, and also try to get into everything. Now if only we could get him to let go of things and walk on his own! Misty is 3 months now! Finally through the first trimester. She has been having a lot of headaches and some sickness as well. If everyone would continue to keep us in your prayers, we would appreciate it. The baby seems to be doing fine at the last checkup this past week. Misty goes back at 16 weeks.

I finally changed work schedules. I am still at Wal Mart Distribution Center, but instead of working second shift, I now work first shift. I go into work at 4:00am, and get off about 1-2:00pm. It is very early in the morning, but it is worth it when I have the afternoon off, and finally get to be home with my family in the evenings. It is a wonderful thing. Misty no longer works outside the home. About a month ago she quit her job at the daycare and is now staying at home with Aaron all day. It is a lot better and easier on her with her being pregnant. I am trying to work more hours and I got a little pay raise with my job changing. We are planning on Misty staying at home a while longer after she has this baby.

Easter went really well for us. We had a great time as a family, and as always we were busy. We went to my family's, and then to Misty's family, and then to my stepdad's family. At Misty's family Easter we hide Easter eggs in the dark for the kids to find. They have to use flashlights to find the eggs. That is a lot of fun. Aaron had a lot of fun hunting Easter eggs, and he really enjoyed getting an Easter basket Sunday morning filled with treats just for him! Saturday at my family's Easter gathering, most of the kids are now grown up and have kids of our own, but we still play games and have fun. I played chubby bunny, but was only able to get 4 peeps in my cheeks.

So there is a little update! We enjoy checking out everyone else's updates, and being able to find out what is new in everyone's lives.
On May 12th, I will be celebrating my 24th birthday! I know I am still young.
So until we update again, we hope everyone is doing great and maybe one day we can get back into coming to Sunday School reguarly. It is just hard to come every Sunday, either Misty doesn't feel good, Aaron doesn't feel good, or we have something going on. We hate that we aren't able to do a lot with our Sunday School class. God Bless Everyone.

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